Secretariat of the National Parliament of West Papua – Assembly and proceedings division

Secretariat of the National Parliament of West Papua – Assembly and proceedings division



After it was reinstated to exercise the functions and powers of the Parliament, on 5 april 2012 in Waena, Hollandia (Jayapura), West Papua, the Nieuw Guinea Raad, hereinafter called the National Parliament of West Papua, has conducted hearings in accordance with the duties incumbent upon the Nieuw guinea Raad since this representative body of the Papuan People was established and officially installed, pursuant to the Decree of the Kingdom of the Netherlands dated 3 January 1961 and following the election of members of the Nieuw Guinea Raad held in February 1961 and the inauguration of the members of Parliament (Raad) on 5 April 1961.
As the Nieuw Guinea Raad (National Parliament of West Papua) is celebrating its 55th year of existence, and as it reaches this mature age, it has certainly taken many steps in the interest of the Papuan People, however, as it turns out, this representative body was not given the opportunity to exercise its authority as a legislative body over the territory of West Papua because it was deemed that it could not guarantee to represent the interests of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia over the territory of West Papua, after the United Nations Temporary Executive Authority (UNTEA) transferred the Administration of the territory over to the Republic of Indonesia on 1 may 1963 as set out in Artice 9 of the agreement between the Republic of Indonesia ad the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning West New Guinea (West Irian/West Papua).
The session of the National Parliament for West Papua, which convened for its fourth year, under the leadership of its Chairman and with the assistance of its seven vice-chairs, took place smoothly and successfully.

These sessions heard the reports of the Central Executive Board of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) delivered by Chairman Hon. Viktor F. Yeimo, about the development of the political struggle in Papua at the international level, and various other problems experienced by the People of Papua in West Papua, from the time when the Republic of Indonesia took over the administration of the West Papuan Region from UNTEA and the implementation of an act of self-determination in 1969, up until the meeting of the Parliament Assembly at its fourth year, which was held from 1 to 4 April 2016.

The reports which were presented and discussed at the meetings of the commissions included the issue of Human Rights, Legal, Political Social, Economic and Culutural Rights.

The meetings of the Commisions also formulated a number of resolutions and decisions of the Assembly of the West Papua National Parliament.

The Secretariat of the National Parliament of West Papua has recorded number of resolutions and decisions which were passed by the Plenary Sessions; they include:


Concerning the Territory and the People

1. The indigenous Papuan people of the territory of West Papua (the colony of Netherlands New Guinea) are the Papuan people belonging to the Melanesian family.
2. The Papuan people on the territory of West Papua have the right to self-determination.
3. The Papuan people have equal rights, as other nations and cultures, to maintain their populations and culture, as well to evolve in a fitting and responsible manner, on the basis of Human Rights principles.
4. The Manifest of the Papua National Committee, dated 19 October 1961, in Hollandia, regarding the National Flag and the National Anthem ”Hai Tanahku Papua”, the state emblem, our nationhood as Papuans and the territory of West Papua, is valid in law and it is the basis of our struggle.


Concerning the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) and the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP).

1. The West Papua National Committee (KNPB) is assigned with the task of mediating so as to enable the indigenous people of West Papua in its entirely to convey openly to the Indonesian Government and the international community, the DECLARATION OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF WEST PAPUA, on 13 april 2016, throughout the homeland of West Papua.
2. The West Papua National Committee is assigned with the task of staging a referendum simulation for the Indigenous West Papua throughout the homeland of West Papua.
3. The United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) is recognized and respected as the body of the co-ordination and unity that represents all the interests iof the Papuan People residing in the territory of West Papua (i.e., what is known in the Indonesian colonial administration as the provinces of Papua and West Papua) and outside the region of West Papua.
4. The United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) is assigned with the task of submitting the application on behalf of the Indigenous People of West Papua (i.e., what is known in the Indonesian colonial administration as the provinces of Papua and West Papua
) for full membership to the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) under the flag of the Morning Star and the national song: ”Hai Tanakhu Papua”.

Concerning the implementation of the referendum for the Papuan People of West Papua.

1. States that the Government of the Indonesian Republic has failed to fulfill its obligations under the requirements set forth in Article 18 and Article 22, paragraph 1 of the Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning West Nieuw Guinea, as signed at the United Nations Headquarters on 15 august 1962, and that this failure has led to a conflict between the People of West Papua and the Indonesian Republic.
2. Demands that, on the basis of their moral and legal responsibilities, States put pressure on the United Nations to implement as soon as possible the Referendum for the People of West Papua, and to ensure that the rights if the indigenous people of West Papua be respected.
3. Demands that the United Nations conduct a review of Resolution No. 2504 concerning the arrangements for the Act of Free Choice of 1969, the responsibility of which was entrusted on the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
4. Assign the United Liberation Movement for West Papua, the International Parliamentarians for West Papua, the International Lawyers for West Papua, the task of following up the demands of the Papuan People to Governments, as stated in points 2 and 3 of this decision.

Concerning the security situation in West Papua.
1. Having received reports from West Papuans in West Papua which have been submitted by Member of the National Parliament of West Papua, regarding the security situation which is gradually eliminating all guarantees for the respect of the Human Rights of the indigenous people of West Papua.
2. Declares that security developments in West Papuan are becoming increasingly disturbing to the indigenous people of West Papua with a growing number of Indonesian military personnel being brought in from outside the region of West Papua by the Indonesian National Army.
3. Urges the Member States of the United Nations to put pressure on the Secretary General of the United Nations to assign the International Security Forces as soon as possible with the task of ensuring the security of the Indigenous people of West Papua, in the framework of the implementation of their rights to self-determination, at the earliest opportunity.

This concludes the notes by the Secretariat of the National Parliament of West Papua in relation to the resolutions and decisions endorsed by the plenary sessions of the National Parliament of West Papua on 4 April 2016.

Hollandia (Jayapura), 5 April 2016

Papuan People Gazette Number: 04/LBP/NRG/2016


Hon. Simeon W. Alua Sor’abut

Hon. Buchtar Tabuni MP

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