National Parlement of West Papua NPWP Greeting to the People of West Papua, 01 January 2016
National Parliament of West Papua would like to greeting to the people of West Papua happy new year, the first of January 2016, in this opportunity pnwp want to give the message to the people of West Papua, living in abroad , inside west Papua, in the prison and in the forest.
In this new year message, national Parliament of West Papua realize back, so long we live in suffer in our own land, this is the time, Indonesia government must leave from our land West Papua, we remember our brothers and sisters had killed by Indonesia military and police, in every December, when the Papuan people have Christmas party time, we don’t want to happened this way again,in the next year coming.
PNWP want to send the greeting message to the people of west Papua, those who do not get yet happy new greeting, they are living in exile, in the prison and in the forest, although their live is hard, they are still keeping their spirit to struggle of free west Papua, what you are doing today, will be remember of the new generation of West Papua in long century in the future of West Papua
National parliament of West Papua hoped that; to all the people of west Papua, living in exile and inside west Papua from Sorong to Merauke, after new year, first of January 2016, we will not separate each other, we will be united, stand together to end suffered people of west Papua on our own land. In this year 2016, our focusing work is preparing referendum, national Parliament of West Papua will be announce referendum to the world, UN, Indonesia and to the people of West Papua, in 2016. Because of that national parliament of West Papua to hoped that; to the people of West Papua in abroad, inside West Papua must prepare yourself before something happen in land of paradise, West Papua.