Head of the Evangelical Christian Church in Wondama Bay District was threatened by the Commander of Indonesia Special Army.

Pastor Hans Wanma

Head of the Evangelical Christian Church in Wondama Bay District, West Papua Province was threatened by the Commander of Indonesia Special Army known as KOPASUS involved in the Indonesian expedition team in West Papua. The Chronologies: It was reported today that Pastor Hans Wanma of Gereja Kristen Injili di Tanah Papua (The Evangelical Christian Church in Papua), who is also the head of the Church organization in Wondama Bay Regency, West Papua Province, organized an Easter Camp event in Jende, Room, a tiny Island to the West of Cenderawasih Bay, northern coast of Papua.

The Expedition Doing by Indonesia Government in West Papua is Militaristic Empowering


Chair Vice Person of Kaimana Parliament Region Karel Megy

KAIMAN Parliament News- the second of Ferbuary 2016, in this year, West Papua province has become expedition targeted by the government of Indonesia, expedition which will be go on in West Papua province there are Tambrau regency, Sorong regency, south Sorong regency, south Manokwari regency, Bintuni regency, Wondama regency, Fak-Fak regency and Kaimana regency.